
New Course starts in February!


E-commerce Web-design and Promotion (4-part Course)‘

Artist-makers Online are taking new bookings for our ever popular ‘E-commerce web-design and promotion‘ course. This 4-part course is ideal for individuals who are interested in building portfolio websites to include e-Commerce, social-media and are search-engine optimised.

What does the course cover?
1. Get your site online (domain-name and hosting)
2. Publish your content (using wordpress as a CMS)
3. Sell and promote your work (ecommerce and social media)
4. Optimise your site for search engines (SEO and Google Analytics)

When: Tuesday evening 6:30pm – 8:30pm
14th, 21st, 28th of February and 6th of March

Course Fee: €165


Find Out More!

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Maureen Burke


Artist Maureen Burke availed of my One-to-one website deal recently. We spent a morning session together, she brought along a CD of her images and her biography and artist’s statement. Over 3 hours or so we registered her domain-name, set up hosting, installed a content management system, styled the site and uploaded her content. All before lunch!

Have a look at the results here:

Get in touch about your site now!

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Social Media courses

Western Management Centre, Galway

Western Management Centre, Galway

I recently taught a short course in Social media in the Western Management Centre, in Galway. The course took place over a full day, with 2 3-hour sessions with a lunch break, and it’s full title was ‘Social Media – A business, sales & marketing tool‘.

‘The training course is ideally suited to individuals / businesses who want to learn how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. as part of their marketing strategy to gain a competitive edge, and that are interested in understanding how Social Media can have a positive impact on the revenue and awareness of their respective businesses.’

We’ve run the course twice now and it’s been very well received, the next course is available now for booking from Western Management Centre’s website here.

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One-to-one website for Eoin Mc Hugh


Recently a lot of the work I’ve done on websites has been done working one-to-one with clients sitting in on the process. They get to work with me step by step on the site build, directing their project closely, they get a flat hourly rate and the knowledge that the site is being worked on at a pace they feel comfortable with. There’s no delays, the site goes up as we work on it, problems are seen and sorted-out in real time.

Some of the sites I’ve worked on like this recently:

So I’ve been thinking this might appeal to more clients, I’m calling it ‘One-to-one website‘, a new web-design hand-holding service where you get exactly what you pay for. I can setup your domain-name, hosting account, design your site, upload your images and galleries and train you in your content management system so you update the site yourself. Additionally I can add the ability to sell your wares online (eCommerce), add Facebook and Twitter (Social Media integration) and help your site rank better in search engines (Search Engine Optimisation).

Get in touch to discuss what we can do for our site in a one-to-one session!

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Site Update for Angela Fulcher

Angela Fulcher Indexhibit site

Angela Fulcher Indexhibit site

I recently updated the website of Visual Artist Angela Fulcher. She had an existing Indexhibit based site, and wanted a style tweek, improve typography, and integrate her content and galleries. I’ve used Indexhibit in the past, it’s a great tool for artists because of it’s straight-forward concentration on image galleries over other elements. Because it’s a CMS (content management system) you can upload new content, galleries, texts etc really easily. While the default style is still pretty nice, it’s possible to personalise the site with CSS, and a bit of PHP hacking.

If you’re looking for an Indexhibit site, I can set one up for you with an Artist-makers Online hosting plan, and can style it to your taste too. Just drop me a line.

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New Site for Neyde Lantyer


I’ve just finished off work on a new website for Neyde Lantyer, a Brazilian visual artist working with photography and installations. Currently, she lives in Amsterdam-Holland, where she develops her own projects while takes active role in art organizations and cultural enterprises. As an artist living between two countries, her artwork carries the influence of both her background in Brazil and her life in Holland.

See Neyde’s new website at:

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New Courses in March and April


After a successful run through January we’re now taking bookings for both the March and April runs of our 4-part ‘Ecommerce Web-design and Promotion for Artists and Creatives‘ course. The course takes place on Wednesday’s through March and on Mondays through April.

This course is ideal for individuals who are interested in building portfolio websites to include e-Commerce, social-media and are search-engine optimised.

Course runs:
Wednesday 6.30pm – 8.30pm 2nd, 9th, 23rd and 30th March or
Monday 6.30pm – 8.30pm 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of April

Book Now.

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New website for Heather Finn Knitwear


Screen Shot 2013-05-22 at 17.47.06Artist-makers Online have just completed a website re-design for Heather Finn Knitwear. This early spring clean to Heather’s site fuses some of her existing branding elements and put them together with a new photoshoot, a wordpress theme customisation and a sleeker online shop. Some of the custom illustration and logo design was used in her work for years, but it has been dusted off, given a make-over and re-used. The result is a new site with a new feel, that employs her familiar branding in a new way, and acts as an effective hub for her overall online presence.

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  • The Printmakers Gallery

    I recently designed a website for The Printmakers Gallery, on Drury St, Dublin. It’s a responsive website, built on WordPress. The menu slides off to the left and the content resizes when it detects a smaller screen, like on a tablet or smart phone. Check out the site here: The Printmakers Gallery.

    Oranmore Castle website revamped!

    Oranmore Castle, in Oranmore, Co. Galway has benefited from a total redesign, to bring it up to date and in-line with the plans of its owners, artist Leonie King and musician, Alec Finn. Alec and Leonie are planning to make the Castle’s Great Hall available for events, to make it’s lodge (‘The Monkey House’) available […]
    Screen grab of Heather Finn Knitwear's new homepage

    Refreshed website for Heather Finn Knitwear

    I just completed a website redesign for Heather Finn Knitwear with a whole new shop / e-cart system and a whole new style. The refresh presents her new Autumn / Winter 2013 collection of beautiful cashmere and lambswool scarves, cardigans and accessories. Have a look at her site here!