
We provide one-to-one help updating your website. Improve your search rank, sell your products & improve the impact of your site online!

Get your site working for you! Your site might need a bit of an update, you might have a folder full of images and want to add them on your site as a gallery, carousel or slider, or you just want to refresh the style of your site without a major overhaul; drop me a line and we can work on it together, one-to-one, for a morning or afternoon.

Just €150 for a 3-hour session!

Only pay for the time we work on it together at a set hourly rate. The hourly rate is €50 p/h. Make contact now and book a time to work on your site!

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Contact me here to find out more, or set up a time that suits you!

Typical requests:

  • Registering domain-names
  • Setting up web-hosting
  • Installing WordPress
  • Installing Indexhibit
  • Add images to gallery
  • Customise my web-template
  • Add Ecommerce / Paypal
  • Improve search ranking
  • Change fonts or update styles
  • Add support for Google Analytics
  • Prepare image, audio or video for the web
  • Integrate website with Social Media

Just email me at: or use the handy contact form.

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  • The Printmakers Gallery

    I recently designed a website for The Printmakers Gallery, on Drury St, Dublin. It’s a responsive website, built on WordPress. The menu slides off to the left and the content resizes when it detects a smaller screen, like on a tablet or smart phone. Check out the site here: The Printmakers Gallery.

    Oranmore Castle website revamped!

    Oranmore Castle, in Oranmore, Co. Galway has benefited from a total redesign, to bring it up to date and in-line with the plans of its owners, artist Leonie King and musician, Alec Finn. Alec and Leonie are planning to make the Castle’s Great Hall available for events, to make it’s lodge (‘The Monkey House’) available […]
    Screen grab of Heather Finn Knitwear's new homepage

    Refreshed website for Heather Finn Knitwear

    I just completed a website redesign for Heather Finn Knitwear with a whole new shop / e-cart system and a whole new style. The refresh presents her new Autumn / Winter 2013 collection of beautiful cashmere and lambswool scarves, cardigans and accessories. Have a look at her site here!